Copyright ILUPACK

ILUPACK is freely available for scientific (non-commercial) use. It was written by Matthias Bollhoefer with contributions from his co-author Yousef Saad.
  1. ILUPACK can be used only for the purpose of internal research excluding any commercial use of ILUPACK as such or as a part of a software product. Users who want to integrate (parts of) ILUPACK into commercial products need to have a license agreement.
  2. ILUPACK is provided on an "as is" basis and for the purpose described in paragraph 1 only. In no circumstances can neither the authors nor their institutions be held liable for any deficiency, fault or other mishappening with regard to the use or performance of ILUPACK.
  3. All scientific publications, for which ILUPACK has been used, shall mention usage of ILUPACK, and shall refer to the following publication:
    Matthias Bollhoefer and Yousef Saad. Multilevel preconditioners constructed from inverse-based ILUs. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Special Issue on the 8-th Copper Mountain Conference, 27(5):1627-1650, 2006.

    Concerning the citation of the software package itself (current version is 2.4) we recommend to refer to it the following way.
    Matthias Bollhoefer and Yousef Saad. ILUPACK - preconditioning software package. Available online at Release V2.4, June 2011.

Last modified: October 11, 2011