Curriculum Vitae - Bettina Eick


Date of Birth: 16. May 1968
Place of Birth: Bremervörde (Germany)
Nationality: German
Position: Professor of mathematics, Universität Braunschweig


Abitur: 1987 at the Gymnasium Bremervörde
Diplom: 1993 at the RWTH Aachen
Promotion: 1996 at the RWTH Aachen
Habilitation: 2001 at the University of Kassel


1994 Springorum Denkmünze, RWTH Aachen
1996 Borchers Plakette, RWTH Aachen
1997 Friedrich - Wilhelm Preis, RWTH Aachen


1974 - 1978 Grundschule Bremervörde
1978 - 1980 Orientierungsstufe Bremervörde
1980 - 1987 Gymnasium Bremervörde
1987 - 1990 RWTH Aachen: Student of mathematics with computer science as minor subject
1990 - 1991 Queen Mary and Westfield College, London: Student at the department of mathematics
1991 - 1993 RWTH Aachen: Student of mathematics with computer science as minor subject
1993 - 1996 RWTH Aachen: Phd student in mathematics
